目前分類:Dream in Wonderland (8)

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The nervous system has a remarkable capacity for self-reorganization, and in this first systematic analysis of the interaction between hormones and brain plasticity, Luis Miguel Garcia-Segura proposes that hormones modulate metaplasticity in the brain. He covers a wide variety of hormones, brain regions, and neuroplastic events, and also provides a new theoretical background with which to interpret the interaction of hormones and brain remodeling throughout the entire life of the organism.

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How does she know you love her?

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So Close

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The ninth symphony shall be one of the classics during the period of romance.

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I say to you today, my friends, that in spite of the difficulties and frustrations of the moment I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the Taiwanese dream.

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Japanese believe that those who die with deep resentment would occupy their original houses, while any visitors to the houses would be doomed to be in entanglement.

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Trudy lost her eyesight as the result of a car accident. Her boyfriend, Mike, understood that she was going through a difficult time.

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Cheng Chuan Hu, the meaning of which I am given to follow, has always conducted me to make perfect. As the elder child of my parents, I was born to meet all expectations of my father, an engineer, and my mother, a haircutter; therefore I have never been allowed to lose confidence in myself since the childhood.

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